Beet Detroit Dark Red Small Seed Pack

Beet Detroit Dark Red Small Seed Pack


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Maturity 60 days. Smooth, sweet roots. Premier bunching matched for canning and pickling quality and robust flavor. Small taproot. Resistant to downy mildew. Resistant to bolting. Globe-shaped roots, dark red flesh, and excellent quality. Tops are of medium length (12-15"), green with a maroon tinge. Ideal for summer or fall harvest. Unsurpassed for winter storage.  Sow seeds from early April to mid-August.  Germination temperatures range from 50–85°F (10–29°C).  Plant to produce 20–25 plants per foot of row for mid-season harvest, and 25–30 plants per foot of row for late harvest for mid season and late harvest beets.  Sow 15 seeds per foot of row, ½ inch deep.  Space rows 14–18 inches apart.  Thin to 1 plant per 2 inches when true leaves begin to show for fresh market beets.  Sow seed at 2 week intervals until 8 weeks before heavy frosts are expected.  Average 37,000 seeds per pound.  

Quantity on Hand: 2

Size: Default title

Product Number: #10050

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