Sorghum Sudan Sugar Grazer II Seed 50#

Sorghum Sudan Sugar Grazer II Seed 50#


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Sugar Graze II is a 3-way cross sorghum x sorgho x sudan-grass hybrid designed for grazing, greenchop, or hay. Sugar Graze II grows rapidly, and its sweet, succulent stalks and broad, deep green leaves result in an excellent quality forage. Sugar Graze II is widely adapted to various growing conditions. Its massive root system results in drought tolerance, which makes Sugar Graze II suitable for limited rainfall areas. This hybrid will also respond to adequate moisture to produce superior yields. Higher planting rates are recommended for an premium quality forage.  Soil temperature should be 60°F prior to planting.  Seeding Rate: 35-40 lbs. per acre.  Sugar Grazer can be grazed when it reaches 15 - 18 inches. Hay production when the plants reach 2 - 3 feet in height.  

Quantity on Hand: 4

Size: Default title

Product Number: #13779

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