Blue Naturals Premium Dog food with no corn, wheat, soy, dye, preservatives, or by-products. In 2010, research began on the most economical alternative grain dog food that wouldn’t compromise quality for cost. Finding the balance between sorghum, oatmeal, and barley, the experiment yielded exceptional results and Blue Naturals was born.
Dogs with corn allergies or sensitivity immediately report positive results.
Blue Natural nourishes dogs from tiny Chihuahuas to Great Danes and provides the most economical local option for corn, wheat, and soy-free pet food in the southeast. As always, the first ingredients are meat: beef and pork. Your dog will radiate health with the addition of chicken fat, flax seed, dried kelp, and coconut oil for a healthy coat.
Crude Protein, min 24.0%
Crude Fat, min 16.0%