Timothy is a leafy, fine-stemmed, tall perennial bunch grass Timothy is a relatively short-lived, cool-season perennial with a shallow, compact, and fibrous root system. The price makes it an economical choice and a good value even if only used for one season. It is used primarily for hay but is also used for pasture and silage. It is palatable and nutritious. It makes a great companion grass for alfalfa or clover. Timothy thrives in rich, moist bottoms and finer texture soils, such as clay loams. Performs best with a pH between 5.5 to 7.0. Tolerant to somewhat poorly drained soils but will not tolerate wet soils or soils prone to standing water. Does not tolerate drought or prolonged high temperatures. High-yielding, high quality and rust resistant, timothy grass matures 7 to 10 days later than most common varieties, giving that leeway often necessary for more favorable climatic conditions for field curing. This also makes it an ideal grass for late-spring grazing. Timothy is often selectively grazed due to its very palatable flavor and soon disappears when planted with species livestock consider not as palatable under close and continuous grazing.
Quantity on Hand: 9
Size: Default title
Product Number: #5762