Des X Insecticidal Soap Concentrate and M-Pede are both OMRI Organic 2.5 gal, and we sell both of these under one SKU number. Β These are a natural, soft, insecticide, miticide, and fungicide that provides excellent contact control of various soft-bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their life cycles. NOP compliant and OMRI listed.
Approved for field and greenhouse applications for both organic and conventional agriculture systems.Β Β
Worker Safety Friendly.Β Excellent resistance management tool due to contact mode of action
12-hour REI / 0-day PHI These contain specially selected fatty acid salts that penetrate the body of pests and result in rapid death.Β Effective against the adult, larval and nymph stages of pests.Β Ideal for use as part of an Integrated Pest Management program. Read and follow label directions.
Worker Safety Friendly.Β Excellent resistance management tool due to contact mode of action
12-hour REI / 0-day PHI These contain specially selected fatty acid salts that penetrate the body of pests and result in rapid death.Β Effective against the adult, larval and nymph stages of pests.Β Ideal for use as part of an Integrated Pest Management program. Read and follow label directions.
Quantity on Hand: 1
Size: Default title
Product Number: #5355