Double Your Disease-Fighting Power Above and Below the Surface
Reduce cost and apply less with the trusted pioneer of biofungicides to fight diseases through every growth stage in convenient foliar and soil application options. Versatile, Compatible, and Reliable Against 90+ Diseases. A technologically advanced broad-spectrum biofungicide/bactericide for organic production or IPM programs
Double Nickel LC features a naturally occurring bacterium that rapidly colonizes plant surfaces and impedes the development of disease-causing organisms, presents no risk to the environment or beneficial species, enables growth through improved nutrient uptake, and provides reliable tank-mix compatibility with various other products.
Quart per application at planting and again later. The transplant water is great. Bacteria stimulate the roots, and then the bacteria die. The longevity is 5-7 days. Continue to use.
Powdery mildew
Sclerotinia spp.
Botrytis spp.
Alternaria spp.
Bacterial leaf spot
Bacterial spot and speck
Fire blight
Xanthomonas ssp.
Monilinia ssp
Organic OMRI
Quantity on Hand: 14
Size: Default title
Product Number: #5096